July 3, 2023 E-newsletter
Realtors helping realtors
1. Offer Congratulations
Scan local news in print, on social or online, for success stories. For professionals who achieved milestones, received awards or secured a promotion, be sure to give them a shout out.
This makes you memorable and helps to build rapport.
2. Provide a personal touch
To really make an impact, print out open house invitations and present them rolled up with a ribbon.
Hand delivering them at people's doors.
A thoughtful invite is flattering and memorable!
3. Create video content
You can create videos on video hosting sites like YouTube and Vimeo to share your listing.
Or create videos explaining different communities or neighborhoods and who it's ideal for
4. Location based social media
Sites like Google maps aren't just for checking into local areas.
You can use them to leave helpful tips and information.
You can focus on locations your ideal clients frequent to leave a great impression
5. Become a valuable resource
Identify topics your ideal clients care about, set up Google alerts for those topics and then pass new insights and updates along to them via email or social.
This will help you stay up to date, and also reassure your clients that you are informed